The following images showcase a variety of Crokinole boards we’ve made for satisfied customers. The boards fall into four pricing categories, depending on materials and extras:
Standard boards ($300) include an attractive natural or stained deck with your choice of backer, rails, and two sets of discs.
Custom boards ($325) include a printed image (we can not print anything that is under copyright) or a feature that makes the deck unique, along with your choice of backer, rails, and two sets of discs.
Premium boards ($350+ depending on complexity) include epoxied decks and all decks that require some unique workmanship, along with your choice of backer, rails, and two sets of discs
Veneered boards ($325 + the cost of the veneer + any customization such as printing or epoxy), along with your choice of backer, rails, and two sets of discs.
Each example below is labelled as to what category it falls into.
Through a high quality screen printing process and careful custom inlays, we’re able to create a wide variety of different boards. Most of these boards fall into the Custom Category. Custom boards can be made with practically any image you like, including art pieces that are in the public domain, your business logos, family crests and your own art work. The image must be high resolution and vector files are the best option if available. We respect others’ copyrights so do not print anything that is copyrighted. Other than that, the sky’s the limit! These are just some examples, and we have a host of other examples of printable files we’ve already created here.